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What to Expect in our 2021 Awaken The Leader Masterclass

Uncategorized Dec 24, 2020

As 2020 comes to a close (thank god, right?) and we focus on a new year ahead, this is normally when we start making resolutions and setting new goals. But if there is one thing we have learned from 2020, is that our connections with others are truly one of the most beneficial aspects of our lives. Friends, family, coworkers, peers, and just about anyone else you used to physically interact with daily shape you. Going at life alone is simply harder. So why not use the same logic with your resolutions and goals?

Within all of us are blockers and preconceived notions that hinder our growth. By uncovering the patterns that are holding us back, we reveal our best potential. Let us help you do this with our global five-month Awaken The Leader Masterclass that is designed to help leaders advance to the next level.

So what do I do to help you? Well to start, I personally love the one-on-one coaching sessions I have with each participant in this masterclass to zero in on who you are and what makes you tick. I take you through a process to help uncover one of your 5 limiting belief systems. Over the years of helping more than 8,000 leaders in my career, I have learned that there are 5 different belief patterns in people. It typically begins in childhood, where you experience a defining moment that locks in a negative belief in your mind that you carry about yourself. Then as you grow up, you do everything you can to protect that limiting belief from being actualized. You try to prove to yourself and those around you that it’s not true.

Once we discover what your belief is, I take it one step further to be able to see how that limited belief impacts your behaviour at work, how you show up as a leader, the choices you make …. Everything.

It’s a huge eye-opening experience to recognize your own limiting beliefs and how your world has been built on them your whole life. Once you have the insight, the knowledge, and the awareness of your behaviours, you can then start being aware of them moving forward.

This is why I love the one-on-one sessions. We discover your story.
After you finish discovering your story, Catlin O’Shaugnessy Coffrin helps you use that story to create your brand and help express yourself to the world. Greg Zlevor then takes it one step further to teach you how to then use everything you’ve learned in the workplace, and how that looks while working with your specific team.
When you walk away from our masterclass, you walk away with great insights into yourself, your brand, your story, tools to help you apply your skills, and most of all, a global community of like-minded leaders and peers.

Make 2021 the year you invest in yourself to become the best possible leader you can be, and let us show you how.


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